
Hey, I’m Trevor—29, therapist, and certified internet fossil. I’ve got a bachelor’s in psychology, a master’s in clinical mental health counseling, and a lifelong habit of overthinking everything. When I’m not spiraling about human behavior, I’m PC gaming, making graphics for the plot, or getting bullied by my French Bulldog, Oliver, who runs my life with an iron paw.

I’ve been lurking in the siteworld trenches since 2008, back when MySpace layouts were a personality trait, and “lyts” were peak culture. Sugarbean is a love letter to the internet era when personalities mattered more than algorithms—back when customizing your page was a form of self-expression, not a marketing tactic. I make content for others, but honestly? This site is just my hyperfixation playground. If it convinces anyone else to dust off their old sites, even better. And yes, I act like this place has an aesthetic, but the second I get bored, it’s a full renovation. Again.
Fun Facts:
• I can’t code a layout without at least one identity crisis.
• If I ever disappear for weeks, assume I opened Photoshop “just to fix one thing” and blacked out.
• I can (and will) spiral into an existential crisis over outerspace. The fact that I’ll never know all its secrets? Unacceptable.
• If you bring up conspiracy theories with me, clear your schedule.
• I fully believe aliens exist, and if they don’t, I want a refund on this simulation.
• I can't commit to a decision, but I can rank every Taylor Swift song by vibe, mood, and emotional damage.
Anyway, take a look around, grab whatever you want, & drop a message in the cbox if you feel like being social. Or don’t. Either way, I’ll still be here, tweaking pixels and questioning my entire existence over a font choice.

Old versions